For Grades: K - 6

Step 1 - Introduction


Lesson Overview

Build a drop copter and try to get the slowest drop! We included 2 different styles for you to try, but you can try your own designs, too! Try different sizes, types of paper, trim or reshape the wings, or add paperclips. The key is to get the drop copter to spin as fast as possible to slow down it’s fall.

Step 2 - Learn More


How Do Helicopters Fly

Learn about types of bridges and build your own! Can you build a bridge that can support a heavy book?

Step 3 - Your Project


4 Prop Drop Copter

4 Prop Template

You can make these from any size paper. This is just an example. Also you can alter the folding to make longer propellers and shorter base OR shorter propellers and longer base. 

2 Prop Drop Copter

2 Prop Template

You can make these from any size paper. This is just an example. Also you can alter the folding to make longer propellers and shorter base OR shorter propellers and longer base. 

Step 4 - Share


Share with someone you love!

Share with someone you love! Today’s recommendation is to call a grandparent (or older family member) that doesn’t live at your house, and tell them about your project!

  • Possible things to talk about:
    • What did you learn?
    • What did you build?
    • What problems did you run into?
    • How did you solve them?
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